
Celebrate The Little Things

todayJuly 26, 2022 42

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Spot on. We should celebrate the little things in life. Why not? That is not to say we celebrate and encourage mediocrity. Not at all whatsoever. All of us are always striving for the best here at But sometimes, it is just good to take a break from the (rat?) race, sit back and relax.

Despite only being the second day of the workweek, this is exactly how we feel today. To chill, relax and let the tunes do the talking to us (we all need that one day sometimes!). To fit our mood for today, we have a fun Downtempo track that is like pouring sweet liquid candy into our ears.

The Oddness gifts us with something light and energetic at the absolute right pace (108 BPM for you nerds out there). The Oddness is the head of Smash Bang Records and is known for his electronica style. From Downtempo to Indie Dance, his art never disappoints. This one meets and exceeds that very expectation by a long mile. A true masterpiece.

Something you can move to, something you can relax to, have it your way. Listen right here:


Written by: Vimal Pawa

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